A recent Insurance Post article reported Aviva were seeing a 65% increase in non-whiplash injury claims.

In the same article, HF Solicitors were seeing an increase in tinnitus claims, compared to the previous year. In addition, HF Solicitors are reporting seeing a 75% in whiplash claims that now feature a psychology element.

360Globalnet clients, using our award-winning technology, can analyse data in detail throughout the lifecycle of claims registered in the Official Injury Claim (OIC) Portal, from FNOL, SCNFs and Settlement Packs, which includes all types of medical reports.

Our clients are reporting on average 73% of claims where a whiplash claim has a non-tariff type injury within the OIC Portal. On average, only 16% of claims are whiplash only.

This is an increase of 80% in similar claims that were previously claimed in the MOJ Portal.

The highest percentage of a non-tariff injury being claimed is “anxiety” and the relevant elements of psychology injuries, at 45% of all claims. This is compared with just 9% of similar claims in the MOJ Portal.

They are also seeing an increase in other non-tariff injuries by 50% in the categories of head, arm, wrist and leg type injuries.

Having access to structured and unstructured data, our clients can benchmark their OICP claims against their MOJ claims, to identify differences in types of injuries as well as emerging patterns and trends in real-time.

This is where 360Globalnet’s unique technology is helping insurers. We’re enabling clients to understand the profile of claims within the OIC Portal by providing greater depth of data and knowledge than what is available from the OIC Portal reports. In turn, clients are then able to use the data for KYO (Know Your Opponents) by analysing the data by law firm, so implementing specific strategies, best practices and processes.

With our award winning, completely configurable no-code digital claims software, 360Globalnet can help you with the challenges you are facing with not only the Whiplash Reforms and the Official Injury Claim (OIC) Portal but any type of claim that needs to be identified, prioritised and actioned upon, throughout the lifecycle of the claim.