"Low economic growth and market volatility are the two top concerns for the Chief Financial Officers (CFOs) of European insurers. At the same time, insurers across the continent are increasingly leveraging technology in order to cut costs, according to Moody’s Investors Service’s European Insurance CFO survey."
Reinsurance News - Luke Gavin on Moody’s Report 9th April 2019
CFO's looking for the scale of cost-cutting achievable will do well to look at these from various sources.
Setting measurable goals
When setting the measurable goals of any digital claims project benchmark your plans against the transformational results described below from various industry sources – all referenced at bottom of article.
- 30% reduction in cost of claims- McKinsey
- Digital Lean Initiative leading to cost reductions of 15%- Boston Consulting Group (BCG)
- Digital customer journeys yielding cost reductions up to 20%- BCG
- From 20% of call centre calls being “what’s happening” to 50% drop in status calls- McKinsey
- Up to 70% reduction in call centre resource requirements- 360Globalnet
- 60% Reduction in FTE staffing- Boston Consulting Group
- 5% to 20% reduction in expense ratio- McKinsey
- Up to 50% reduction in processing time per claim- LexisNexis
- Total Cost of Ownership reduced by 20% to 30%- McKinsey
- 3 points to 5 points reductions in combined savings ratio- Bain & Company
- 5%-15% Annual Revenue Growth- Bain & Company
- Using data prefill at FNOL 14% improvement days to pay for PI- LexisNexis
- 3 points to 5 points reductions in combined savings ratio- Bain & Company
- 1 to 4 manual touches removed from claims process- LexisNexis
- 1 to 15 day reduction in processing time per claim- LexisNexis
- 3 to 10 times more cases processed per adjuster- LexisNexis
Finally, the bane of all CTOs and CIOs; the multiplying cost of multiple platforms and digital initiatives. The only way to avoid escalating costs is to insist on a price structure that is a PAYG or Subscription pricing model which require no major Capital Expenditure by the Insurer. And that does not require that you replace today’s legacy core systems; rather that you do so at a time of your choosing when convenient and cost-efficient.
"Revolutionising Insurance Claims
"Time for Insurers to face Digital Reality"
"Capturing Value from the Core"
"The P&C customer rediscovered through analytics"
"Digital Disruption in Insurance: Cutting through the noise"
"How a Digital Approach is improving customer satisfaction at a major insurer"
"Attacking complexity in Insurance Products and Processes"
"2019 Future of Claims Study LexisNexis- balancing claims automation and empathy"
More information on our online claims management solution technology, 360SiteView, can be found here.
You can see more of our thoughts on "insurance 3.0" and the cost saving and policyholder satisfaction opportunities that come with it here.
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