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Don't allow traumatic events to traumatise your policyholders.

Large and complex claims are often the most stressful for policyholders because they're the result of a traumatic event causing major disruption and very often significant loss. Whether it’s as a result of fire, flood or escape of water damage and the resulting consequential loss, an insurers priority is to act swiftly, manage investigation, restoration and repair work efficiently and minimise the time a customer is inconvenienced or must spend away from their home.



Due to often extensive damage requiring detailed investigation and extensive or complex repairs, DR&R claims are particularly prone to delays and creeping costs. Insurers often lose control of the claim, leading to complaints and customer frustration.



Using 360Gobalnet's video streaming service, an integral solution to our 360SiteView technology, to assess claims of this profile, you can...


  • cut your claim lifecycle in half;
  • slash indemnity spend;
  • reduce response times;
  • and improve the customer experience.


The results speak for themselves as evidence from a top 5 UK Insurers suggests:


Using live stream footage of the claim evidence, it's immediately clear what steps are required for settlement. We now have full control of the entire claim, which makes a huge difference to us and our customers.


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Digital DR&R claims processing software
Digital DR&R claims processing software

Give your policyholders peace of mind

1. 16% of claims settles within 7 days;


2. Response times down to 2.5 days;


3. Claim life-cycle reduced by 17 days;


4. Vastly improved customer experience;


5. Indemnity spend down £2,500 per claim on average;


6. Very accurate damage assessment.

Discover digital claims today.

Delight customers and collapse costs. Ready?

Discover more and get in touch