the drainage repair company running water

The Drainage Repair Company


The Drainage Repair Company (DRC) is a subsidiary of 360Globalnet that brings together a unique blend of knowledge and digital technology to deliver drainage and clean water mains services to the Insurance and Property sectors.


Powered by 360Globalnet technology, the whole claims process is collaborative and transparent, resulting in a better service for the customer and insurer.


For insurers looking to control costs by outsourcing drainage related claims management, look no further. The DRC can help with:


          - Drainage repairs

          - Mains water and investigation and repairs

          - Site investigations

          - Subsidence

          - CCTV Surveys

          - Claims management

          - and validation


DRC's network of employed and trusted contractors throughout the UK so customers can be assured that any drainage/water claim can be serviced any time, anywhere.


Powered by 360Globalnet's award-winning technology, DRC provides a first class service using the latest technology and remedial techniques. Combined with their people, systems and processes, the DRC delivers a superior service.



the drainage repair company running water

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