data analytics

Visualise ALL the data your have available to make the most informed decisions

Customisable analytical and interactive “real time” dashboards delivering a visual representation of your Business and its fraud detection performance incorporating and accessing all available data including unstructured, structured, internal, external, industry and third-party data sources.


          -     KYO (Know Your Opponent)

                     -     Compare and contrast intermediary and claimant representative behaviour against your whole portfolio to identify “characteristics” that are consistent and distinct with a specific entity but inconsistent and irregular with the overall Portfolio

          -     Pattern and Trend Analysis

                     -     in real time

                     -     Monitor changes in risk and claim presentation across the business and portfolio to enable appropriate informed strategic business and process response and refinement.

          -     Geo-Mapping

                     -     Geo analysis of business and claims portfolio performance and experience, both customer and third party down to micro-level that can be incorporated within risk rating engines.

          -     Hierarchical Dashboards

                     -     Provides fraud analytics and bespoke dashboards specific, relevant and appropriate to all areas of the Business

          -     Data Extracts

                     -     Extracts of data held within 360Retrieve for customisable business information, interrogation and joining with internal case management systems and platforms


These dashboards can be delivered hierarchically across the Business delivering visibility and control relevant to the end user and Business Area and Operation.


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data analytics

Discover digital claims today.

Delight customers and collapse costs. Ready?

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